What is the difference between “contains” and “matches” in the search condition?

For example, with the search query “AAA BBB”,

Name contains “AAA BBB” will search text “AAA BBB” using exact match.

Name matches “AAA BBB” will search for space separated words “AAA” and “BBB”.

With the matches search or the toolbar’s Quick Search field, you can use some basic operators.

  • OR

    AAA OR BBB — Search for an item that contains “AAA” or “BBB”, or both.

  • AND

    AAA AND BBB — Search for an item that contains both of “AAA” and “BBB”.

    The AND operator is optional, leaving a space between 2 terms has the same effect.

  • -

    AAA -BBB — Search for an item that contains “AAA” but does not contain “BBB”.

    Put minus “-” in front of any term (including operators) to exclude that term from the results.

  • NOT

    AAA NOT BBB — Search for an item that contains “AAA” but does not contain “BBB”.

    Exclude the next term from the results.

  • ()

    (AAA OR BBB) CCC — Perform the OR operator first, then perform AND with the term “CCC”.

    Use parentheses to group operators and control the order in which they execute.

  • ”“

    "AAA BBB" — Search for “AAA BBB” using exact match.

    Put any phrase in double quotes to force to use exact match.