How to uninstall DiskCatalogMaker?

  1. Drag the DiskCatalogMaker application to the Trash.

  2. Drag the preferences files to the Trash.
    • (root of your Macintosh HD) / Library / Preferences / com.mac.fujisoft.DiskCatalogMaker.plist
    • (Ihr Benutzerordner) / Library / Preferences / com.mac.fujisoft.DiskCatalogMaker.plist
    • (Ihr Benutzerordner) / Library / Caches / com.mac.fujisoft.DiskCatalogMaker /
    • (Ihr Benutzerordner) / Library / Caches / DiskCatalogMaker /
    • (Ihr Benutzerordner) / Library / Saved Application State / com.mac.fujisoft.DiskCatalogMaker.savedState /
  3. Drag your unnecessary catalog files to the Trash. (The file name extension is “.dcmd”, “.dcmf” or “.dcm”.)
    If you have Toast Titanium, you can find the main catalog file at:
    • (Ihr Benutzerordner) / Library / Application Support / Roxio / DCM / Disc Catalog
  4. Empty the trash.

See also: